
6 Strange Things You Should Stop Doing To Simplify Your Life

This isn’t just a daydream; it’s a reachable state of living that can bring profound benefits to your mental and physical well-being.

Simplifying life isn’t about denying yourself joys and comforts but rather choosing to focus on essentials that add true value to your life.

In this post, you’ll explore six key behaviors you might want to consider quitting to simplify your life. Each of these habits can complicate your life in subtle yet significant ways, steering you away from the simplicity you’re aiming for.

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Stop Overthinking Every Decision


Overthinking every decision can significantly complicate your life, making it difficult to enjoy the moment and move forward with confidence.

Here’s why it’s essential to streamline your decision-making process and how you can start doing it effectively.

Why Overthinking Complicates Life

Your instinct often serves as an unconscious decision-making mechanism. Trusting it can lead to faster and often more accurate decisions.

However, overthinking can overshadow this instinct, leading you to doubt and second-guess yourself incessantly.

How to Make Decisions More Efficiently

To combat overthinking, it’s helpful to simplify your decision-making process. Hick’s Law suggests that reducing the number of choices can significantly decrease decision-making time.

Implementing techniques like setting time limits for decisions or using a decision matrix can also streamline the process and enhance your decisiveness.

Benefits of Quicker Decision-Making

Making decisions more quickly can bring several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Quick decision-making helps you progress without unnecessary delays, allowing you to achieve more in less time.
  • Reduced Stress: Deciding swiftly can decrease anxiety by cutting down the time you spend worrying about each choice.
  • Improved Productivity: By avoiding prolonged deliberation, you can dedicate your energy to actionable steps rather than getting stuck in a loop of indecision.
  • Enhanced Confidence: As you make decisions faster, you’ll build confidence in your judgment and decisiveness, which is crucial for personal and professional growth.
  • Creativity and Adaptability: Quick decisions can lead to innovative thinking and more agile responses to unexpected challenges.

Start small, and gradually, you’ll find yourself making quicker, more confident decisions without the mental clutter.

Quit Comparing Yourself to Others


Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to create stress and unhappiness. When you look at someone else’s life, you’re only seeing a small snapshot.

You don’t know the full story or the challenges they face. Comparing yourself to that limited view will only make you feel inadequate.

How Comparisons Create Stress

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your life to others, especially with the constant stream of curated success stories on social media.

This comparison can lead to a feeling of being left behind or not measuring up, which in turn increases stress and diminishes self-esteem.

Ways to Focus on Your Own Journey

To combat the stress of comparison, focus on your own unique path. Celebrate your own accomplishments, no matter how small.

Recognize that your journey is different from anyone else’s, and that’s okay. The only person you need to compete with is the person you were yesterday. Here are a few strategies to help you focus on yourself:

  • Set personal goals that are meaningful to you and measure your progress against those.
  • Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the good things happening in your life.
  • Limit your exposure to social media if it triggers your comparison habits.

Benefits of Self-Acceptance

When you stop comparing yourself to others and start accepting yourself as you are, you’ll experience a sense of freedom and peace.

You’ll be able to focus on your own growth and development, rather than worrying about how you measure up to someone else.

Self-acceptance is the foundation for true happiness and fulfillment. By embracing your unique qualities and accomplishments, you can build a healthier mindset and live a life that’s true to yourself.

Stop Procrastinating


Procrastination isn’t just about being lazy; it’s a complex behavior often linked to deeper psychological issues.

For many, especially women juggling multiple roles, it becomes a coping mechanism to deal with overwhelming demands and stress. But at its core, procrastination complicates life more than simplifying it.

How Procrastination Complicates Life

When you procrastinate, you’re not only delaying tasks but also accumulating stress, guilt, and anxiety.

This can lead to a vicious cycle where the fear of not meeting expectations leads to even more procrastination.

Studies have shown that procrastination can significantly impact mental health, leading to increased levels of depression and anxiety. It’s like setting yourself up for failure and disappointment repeatedly.

Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

To break the cycle of procrastination, start by acknowledging the behavior and understanding its triggers. Here are some effective strategies to help you take control:

  1. Set Clear Priorities: Identify what’s most important and tackle those tasks first. This helps in reducing the overwhelming feeling of having too much to do.
  2. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Large tasks can seem daunting. Break them down into manageable parts to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Create a Structured Schedule: Keeping a well-organized to-do list and a schedule helps in staying on track and reduces the urge to procrastinate.
  4. Eliminate Distractions: Minimize distractions by creating a conducive work environment. This might mean turning off notifications or setting specific times for checking emails.
  5. Seek Accountability: Share your goals with someone you trust who can help keep you accountable.
  6. Reward Yourself: Set up a reward system for completing tasks. This could be as simple as taking a short break or treating yourself to something you enjoy.

Benefits of Tackling Tasks Promptly

When you start completing tasks on time, the immediate benefit is a reduction in stress. You’ll also experience a boost in self-confidence and satisfaction from accomplishing your goals.

Tackling tasks promptly can lead to better mental health, improved productivity, and a more positive outlook on life. It’s about taking control of your time and responsibilities, leading to a more organized and fulfilling life.

Quit Multitasking

Multitasking might seem like a productivity booster, especially in a world where juggling multiple tasks simultaneously is often praised.

However, the truth is, it can lead to less efficiency and more stress. Despite popular stereotypes suggesting that women are better multitaskers, research shows that the differences in multitasking abilities between genders are minimal and, overall, multitasking isn’t effective for anyone.

Why Multitasking is Ineffective

The allure of multitasking is that it appears to save time. However, studies reveal that it actually increases cognitive load, leading to a decrease in efficiency and quality of work.

Multitasking involves switching between tasks, which not only slows you down due to the time taken to refocus but also heightens stress levels, potentially leading to burnout.

This constant shifting can overwhelm your brain, impairing your ability to think clearly and creatively.

How to Focus on One Task at a Time

To combat the pitfalls of multitasking, adopting a single-tasking approach can be highly beneficial. Here are some strategies to help you focus more effectively:

  1. Prioritize Your Tasks: Begin by identifying the most critical task and dedicate your full attention to completing it before moving on to the next.
  2. Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Limit interruptions by turning off notifications and setting specific times for checking emails or messages.
  3. Use Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time to individual tasks. This method helps you stay focused and makes it easier to manage your day.
  4. Practice Mindfulness: Engage fully with the task at hand. Simple mindfulness exercises, like deep breathing before starting a task, can enhance your concentration.
  5. Organize Your Workspace: A tidy and organized workspace can reduce mental clutter and boost your ability to focus on the task at hand.

Benefits of Single-Tasking

Embracing single-tasking can transform your work and personal life. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Increased Productivity: By focusing on one task at a time, you can complete tasks quicker and with higher quality.
  • Reduced Stress: Less juggling leads to lower anxiety and stress levels, making it easier to maintain a calm and clear mind.
  • Enhanced Satisfaction: Completing tasks successfully provides a sense of achievement and can increase your job satisfaction.
  • Improved Well-being: Single-tasking allows you to be more present, enhancing your overall well-being and allowing you to enjoy your work and personal life more fully.

Stop Staying Up Late


Staying up late might seem like a good idea when you’re trying to squeeze extra hours into your day, but it can seriously mess with your productivity and health.

Let’s dive into why cutting back on those late nights can be a game-changer for simplifying your life.

Impact of Late Nights on Productivity

When you sacrifice sleep for work or leisure, you’re setting yourself up for a rough next day. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling irritableangry, and more vulnerable to stress.

This emotional turbulence can spill over into your work, making it harder to focus and stay productive.

Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious issues like cognitive decline, increased risk of accidents, and even long-term health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Tips for Improving Sleep Habits

To break the cycle of late nights, consider these practical steps:

  1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock and improves your sleep quality.
  2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Engage in calming activities like reading or listening to soothing music before bed. This can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.
  3. Limit Exposure to Blue Light: Turn off electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime to avoid interference with your sleep cycle.
  4. Exercise Regularly: But remember to finish your workout a few hours before bedtime to avoid being too energized to sleep.
  5. Manage Stress: Techniques like meditation, journaling, or even talking through your day’s worries can help clear your mind before bedtime.

Benefits of a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Embracing a regular sleep routine doesn’t just help you fall asleep faster—it can boost your overall health and well-being.

People with consistent sleep schedules have been found to have a lower risk of mortality and chronic diseases.

Plus, sticking to a sleep schedule can enhance your mood, improve your immune system function, and even help maintain a healthy weight.

Quit Saying Yes to Everything


Dangers of People-Pleasing
You might think that always saying yes and bending over backwards for others is a sign of being kind and helpful, but it often leads to being taken for granted.

When you constantly change yourself to please others, you reinforce the belief that your true self isn’t good enough.

This can create a cycle where acceptance feels like it’s based on performance rather than genuine connection.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining your well-being and ensuring that your relationships are genuinely supportive. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Understand Your Worth: Recognize that you are worthy and likable just as you are. You don’t need to change or hide yourself to be loved.
  2. Communicate Clearly: Be direct about what you can tolerate and what is unacceptable. If you’re unsure, offer an alternative solution that works for you.
  3. Start Small: Practice saying no to smaller things and gradually work your way up as you become more comfortable with setting limits.
  4. Seek Support: If establishing boundaries feels daunting, enlist the help of a friend or loved one for moral support or to discuss your needs on your behalf.
  5. Evaluate and Adjust: Always take time to assess the impact of your boundaries and adjust them as necessary to ensure they continue to serve your needs.

Benefits of Being More Selective
When you learn to be selective with your commitments and interactions, you reclaim your time and energy. This leads to numerous benefits:

  • Reduced Stress: By not overcommitting, you avoid the burnout that comes from trying to do too much.
  • Increased Self-Esteem: Standing up for yourself boosts confidence and self-respect.
  • Improved Relationships: Authentic connections are formed when you can freely express your needs and desires without fear of judgment.
  • Enhanced Well-being: Focusing on what truly matters to you leads to greater satisfaction and fulfillment in life.


Throughout this exploration of simplifying life, we’ve delved into actionable habits that hold the power to transform daily living for the better.

Stopping the cycle of overthinking, avoiding the pitfalls of comparison, breaking free from procrastination, focusing on single tasks, ensuring adequate rest, and learning to say no are not just steps but a comprehensive approach towards embracing a more simplified and enriched life.

These practices steer us away from stress and lead towards a more focused, productive, and satisfying existence.

The benefits of such a lifestyle shift reach far beyond the immediate — impacting our mental health, physical health, and overall happiness.

As we conclude, remember that simplification isn’t about having less for the sake of less but about making more room for that which adds true value to our lives. It’s a gentle reminder that sometimes, the richest life is found in embracing simplicity.

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